
I saw Larry's reply to go to the cygwin-xfree list,
and I am OK with that, but you didn't yet, did you?

Then just to tell that at least I do successfully use XWin on Vista.

Mike Eggleston-2 wrote:
> Suggestions on what to try next?

Well, comparing our respective logs:
- I use: Release: (20090902)
- my startup command is: /usr/bin/X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard -auth 
- I use a larger screen with less depth (16 bits)
- My mouse pretends to have 5 buttons
- Your log has the shutdown in progress as the last line, but my session is
still running

Given your nice shutdown, I don't think you need to clean up the lock and
the socket:


I would believe that your problem is in fact not with the X server (looks
fine), but with the application
you try to run as the main session.
So, look for an other log to find the reason for its failure.

The next option is to run the startup command from the cygwin shell.
You'll get the errors in the transcript.


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