Greetings. Using cygwin git version, I am unable to clone an existing svn repository using "git svn". The entire output is below. How can I fix this?
I am running the "git svn" command without actually launching a cygwin shell like bash etc. I can checkout other git repositories just fine, its just git-svn that's having the problem. Thanks, Saurav. F:\work\MyProjects>git svn clone pwsafe-git Initialized empty Git repository in /cygdrive/f/work/MyProjects/pwsafe-git/.git/ A StdAfx.h A corelib/MyString.h A corelib/sha1.h A corelib/BlowFish.h A corelib/Util.h A corelib/ItemData.cpp A corelib/MyString.cpp A corelib/sha1.cpp A corelib/BlowFish.cpp A corelib/ItemData.h A corelib/Util.cpp A PasskeySetup.cpp A PasskeyEntry.cpp A sha1.h A QuerySetDef.h A PasswordSafe.h A UsernameEntry.h A variables.cpp A ClearQuestionDlg.h A TryAgainDlg.h A ConfirmDeleteDlg.h A EditDlg.cpp A BlowFish.cpp A Util.cpp A QueryAddName.cpp A MainDlg.h A MyString.h A PasskeyChangeDlg.h A OptionsDlg.cpp A AddDlg.h A FileDialogExt.h A SysColStatic.h A StdAfx.cpp A RemindSaveDlg.h A sha1.cpp A resource.h A ItemData.h A QuerySetDef.cpp A UsernameEntry.cpp A CryptKeyEntry.h A PasswordSafe.cpp A PasskeySetup.h A ClearQuestionDlg.cpp A TryAgainDlg.cpp A PasskeyEntry.h A ConfirmDeleteDlg.cpp A MainDlg.cpp A PasskeyChangeDlg.cpp A MyString.cpp A AddDlg.cpp A FileDialogExt.cpp A EditDlg.h A BlowFish.h A Util.h A PasswordSafe.rc A QueryAddName.h A RemindSaveDlg.cpp A SysColStatic.cpp A notes.txt A OptionsDlg.h A ItemData.cpp A CryptKeyEntry.cpp A Makefile.win32 error: bad index file sha1 signature fatal: index file corrupt write-tree: command returned error: 128 -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: