
If you have a cygwin application running on machine A and update the
installation on machine B, you might run into problems when dropbox
tries to copy the files to machine A. I did almost the same with
Windows Live Mesh. Now I am only synchronizing my home directory.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:21 PM, J. David Boyd
<david.b...@catalinamarketing.com> wrote:
> Andy Holt <an...@comcast.net> writes:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I installed cygwin on my laptop (domain andy-laptop), and it works
>> great from here. I installed in a special folder ("My Dropbox") which
>> uses the free dropbox service online to synchronize the folder accross
>> multiple machines (my other machine is andy-desktop). On the desktop
>> machine (also username Andy), I can run cmd and CD to the cygwin
>> directory, I can go into the /bin directory and run most of the
>> programs just fine for some simple stuff, but it won't load bash
>> correctly.
>> When I installed cygwin on the laptop, I chose to install only for the
>> single user (not the whole machine) and tried to make it avoid any
>> registry tampering.
>> So basically I think I need to figure out how to run bash as the andy
>> from andy-laptop on andy-desktop... Or something? I can't figure this
>> out and most of the stuff I've read online isn't helping and has to do
>> with bash scripting instead of running bash as a user on a different
>> domain or something. I'm just kind of confused where to go.
>> I appreciate any help you can offer, thanks a bunch,
>> -Andy
> Have you checked the simple things first?  Did all the cygwin files get
> copied over?  Check file sizes on the directories, and see if you really
> have everything.
> You might try installing cygwin onto your laptop and desktop first, then
> synchronizing them, or maybe only synchronizing your home directory, and
> manually keeping the rest updated.
> My 2 cents...
> I have cygwin running on, oh, about 6 machines, and all I really keep
> synchronized is my home directory.  That way I can run emacs gnus
> anywhere, or check emacs erc, or whatever, and be happy.
> Dave
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