amir knippel wrote: > i created a process that runs bash and redirect stdin,stout and std error > but I can’t get tty to work attached is a sample code that starts bash > process and redirect the input/output. > the problem is that i don't have tty device. if i try to run tty command or > stty command i receive error response > tty - not a tty > stty - Inappropriate ioctl for device
> i need to run cygwin and disable echo with stty -echo but to do this i need > a tty device. how can i create a cygwin bash shell with tty device and > redirect the stdin, out and error ? Why exactly do you think you need to run stty and set the tty operating parameters, when the bash process is quite plainly *not* connected to a tty, it is connected to your C# application? It's your application that is in charge of I/O - if it doesn't want echo, all it has to do is discard the stuff it reads from the process' stdout instead of displaying it, in your OutDataReceived/ErrorDataReceived handlers. > bashProcess.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["CYGWIN"] = "tty"; Don't do this. Win32 native processes don't understand Cygwin's tty emulation, which is based on pipes. cheers, DaveK -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: