Evidence suggests I or someone else ran mkgroup and mkpasswd when I first got 
this machine.  The date on /etc/group is right for that.  /etc/passwd has stuff 
that includes me and other obviously-machine-generated info.

Emacs is not bothering its little head about cygwin, though; I'm launching it 
outside the cygwin environment.  I just tried launching it from a cygwin shell, 
I then get a group'd file.  The first file was created by an emacs launched 
from bash.  The second file was created by an emacs launched from the start 

e:\yduJ>ls -l foo.txt
ls -l foo.txt
-rwxr-x---+ 1 janderson mkgroup-l-d 34178 Sep 15 17:22 foo.txt

e:\yduJ>ls -l foo.htm
ls -l foo.htm
-rwx------+ 1 janderson ???????? 3561 Sep 15 17:33 foo.htm

The ??? file will be barfed on by tar --format=ustar.  Sadly, I'd like to use 
the start menu...  But maybe I can figure out how to make a shortcut that calls 
bash to launch emacs.   Thanks for the pointer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee [mailto:ler...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 1:09 PM
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Strange tar error with --format=ustar: value 4294967295 out of 
gid_t range 0..2097151

On 9/14/09, Judy Anderson wrote:
   .. snip ..
> Except on my usual development machine, where I get the error:
> E:\yduJ> c:\cygwin\bin\tar cf foo.tar --format=ustar foo
> /usr/bin/tar: value 4294967295 out of gid_t range 0..2097151
> /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
> It works FINE on the official build machine, just not MINE.  So I reran
> Cygwin setup and reinstalled and rebooted.  No help.

Did you run mkpasswd and mkgroup on your machine?

i think an unknown user or group gets an id of 4294967295


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