I am running Windows 7, cygdrive 1.7.
After installation all files my files show up as 000 permissions.  I
have to chmod in order to modify files.

vi...@granada /cygdrive/f
$ ls -l
total 852
d---------+ 1 vince            None     4096 Aug 25 08:58 $RECYCLE.BIN
d---------+ 1 vince          None        0 Jul  6 17:58 Development
drwx------+ 1 vince          None     4096 Aug 31 22:49 Drop
----------+ 1 vince          None   132328 Sep  2 03:03 FTT.xml
drwx------+ 1 Administrators None     4096 Jul 22 20:36 Projects
d---rwx---+ 1 Administrators SYSTEM      0 May 24 09:39 System Volume

I am able to add files and permissions seem ok:
vi...@granada /cygdrive/f
$ touch hello

$ ls -l hello
-rw-r--r-- 1 vince None 0 Sep  2 08:47 hello

I am also slightly confused on why the mkpasswd puts me and the
existing filesystem in the 'None' group rather than 'Users'.
Secondly, existing files like: 'FTT.xml' has many more groups assigned
to it than the file 'hello' with security controls.
I would think that for all files created by cygwin, "System" and
"Administrators" should always be given full control.

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