
In <FLAC++/metadata.h>, class FLAC::Metadata::Picture contains some methods:

  void set_width(FLAC__uint32 value) const;
  void set_height(FLAC__uint32 value) const;
  void set_depth(FLAC__uint32 value) const;
  void set_colors(FLAC__uint32 value) const;
  bool set_data(const FLAC__byte *data, FLAC__uint32 data_length);

These are exported in the implib as:

FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_width(unsigned long) const
FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_depth(unsigned long) const
FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_height(unsigned long) const
FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_colors(unsigned long) const
FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_data(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)

FLAC__uint32 is typedef'd to uint32_t in <FLAC/ordinals.h>. The problem is that since ~1.7.0-46, uint32_t was changed from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned int' in order to fix compile warnings/errors, particularly with C++.

So, building something today on 1.7 results in:

undefined reference to `FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_width(unsigned int) const' undefined reference to `FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_height(unsigned int) const' undefined reference to `FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_depth(unsigned int) const' undefined reference to `FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_colors(unsigned int) const' undefined reference to `FLAC::Metadata::Picture::set_data(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)'

The fix is simply to rebuild flac for 1.7, preferably with gcc-4.3 while you are at it. Nothing in the distro depends on libFLAC++6, so you shouldn't break anything by doing so.


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