At 05:44 PM 9/27/2002 -0500, Jeff Perry wrote:
>I am very confused about how cygwin maps its root to the c:/cygwin
>directory.  I'm also not sure what /cygdrive is.
"c:\cygwin" is mounted as "/". Your Windows drives (c:, d:) are mounted 
under /cygdrive (/cygdrive/c, /cygdrive/d).

>When I type gvim /etc/passwd from bash, gvim comes up with an empty file
>called passwd in c:/etc (which doesn't exist).  If I try to write this file,
>gvim fails, which, of course, it should. (The gvim I'm using is the one
>compiled for NT).
This is correct behavior. Only programs compiled against cygwin1.dll are 
aware of Cygwin-style paths. vim is available for Cygwin, maybe gvim is as 
well (try , try Google, try searching the 
mailing list).

>Also, when I try to tab-expand /cygdrive/c/..., bash can never expand the
>files.  For example, if I type
>$ cd /cygdrive/c/winn<tab>, bash cannot complete the 't' and instead beeps.
>But if I complete it for bash by adding the t and the pressing <return>,
>bash will cd me to the c:/winnt directory.
The name of the directory is WINNT, not winnt. bash will tab-complete 
successfully if you give it the right name (exceptions include /dev).


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