On 20-9-2002 18:05, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Andre Srinivasan wrote:
>>AS> Works for me.  Add it to the man page and we'll call it a feature.
>>IP> It already IS a feature.  The getopt function will stop processing
>>IP> switches when it encounters the '--' option.
>>You know that and I know that (now).  I was just suggesting that
>>adding this to the man page will eliminate these kinds of questions.
>>                                                                -andre.
> Agreed.  Below is a minimal patch against cygutils-1.1.2, feel free to
> expand on it.


When Chuck comes back from the dead, I'll make sure this gets included. 
  (I'll probably also add an example or two.)

  - Michael

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