I have polished up the "ldd" script some more and have posted it at


(The .txt extension seems to be necessary for proper viewing in browsers.)

If you are bored, try 'ldd -v /bin/*.exe' and watch the time pass...

It won't look at non-executables yet, but that should not be hard to
fix.  (See a comment on buggy(?) behavior of "type -p".)
I probably won't do more with this than fix that sometime.  

    On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 11:37:55AM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
    >Matt Swift wrote:
    >>Attached is a bash script that emulates the ldd(1) utility.  Enjoy.
    >I wanted this very thing the other day! Thanks, Matt.
    >My only complaint is that it should give usage (or demand --help) when
    >you run it without arguments.
    >I vote that this be added to Cygwin.  Binutils, perhaps?

    Then you're sending email to the wrong mailing list.

    The binutils mailing list is [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


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