Mario Schmidt wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Charles Wilson,

Please don't address help requests to specific people.  This is a 
general mailing list; help is provided thru the cooperative efforts of 
everyone.  (But don't send cygwin mail to private email addrs, either -- 
most people dislike that).

> i just noticed, that you are doing some good work on your cygwin
> ports. I want to ask you, if you can review and help with my newest
> port of "INN" ?!

I personally have no more time for any additional responsibilities. 
Which is why you have a much better chance getting help by asking the 
list in general; of the thousands of people subscribed, the chances are 
than one or more of them have an interest in getting INN working on 
cygwin. No offence intended, but I don't -- netnews doesn't float my 
boat.  Sorry.

> i finally good it compiled, installed and are now working on some
> details. Can you help me in a specific problem i got during compile?
> If ya would, i give you the latest .diff and instructions for my inn
> port.

Not me, but perhaps someone else on this list will be able to provide 
more assistance.  Why don't you outline your problem on the list itself, 
rather than trying to keep the details offline?


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