Allright let's escape the colon

$ mount c: /blah\:drivec
mount: warning - /blah:drivec does not exist.

$ cd /blah\:drivec
bash: cd: /blah:drivec: No such file or directory

$ cd /blah:drivec
bash: cd: /blah:drivec: No such file or directory

$ umount /blah\:drivec
umount: /blah:drivec: Invalid argument

$ umount /blah:drivec
umount: /blah:drivec: Invalid argument

$ mount
C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /blah:drivec type user (textmode)

However unix pathnames do allow for colons and I thought the point of
using mount is that we could use stuff that unix pathnames use like / that
Windows can't.

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:

> At 06:49 PM 5/16/2002, David E Euresti wrote:
> >Anybody know why this happens?
> >
> >$ mount c: /blah:c
> >mount: warning - /blah:c does not exist.
> >
> >$cd /blah:c
> >
> >$ cd /blah:c
> >bash: cd: /blah:c: No such file or directory
> >
> >$mount
> >C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
> >C:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
> >C:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
> >c: on /blah:c type user (textmode)
> >h: on /cygdrive/h type user (binmode,noumount)
> >z: on /cygdrive/z type user (binmode,noumount)
> >
> >$ umount /blah:c
> >umount: /blah:c: Invalid argument
> >
> >
> >I think it doesn't like the colon.  Any ideas?
> Just the standard one in this situation.  Escape the colon.
> Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> RFK Partners, Inc.            
> 838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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