I'm not trolling (and maybe for all I know, this has already been
talked out) but I wanted to suggest that it might be appropriate for
Cygwin to describe and advertise itself as the "GNU/Cygwin system",
giving credit where credit it very much due -- just as Debian does by
describing itself as a "GNU/Linux" system.

IMO, the fact the GNU system (not the Linux kernel) is really the
essential ingredient is pointed to by the fact that many of the same
concerns that affect maintainers of the various Linux distros (and
especially, maintainers of packages on those distros) also very much
affect Cygwin maintainers and packagers.

For example, it seems like representatives from Cygwin should be
involved with the Linux Standard Base effort:


And the effort should be called "GNU Standard Base" instead (though I
realize that's not s ever actually going to happen).

  --Mike Smith

Michael Smith, Tokyo, Japan    http://sideshowbarker.net

Just as there are four letters in the name of God, there are four seasons. This 
is because of THE LAW OF PSYCHIC EQUIVALENCE. the law of psychic equivalence is 
encoded in the Bible. ALL modern problems stem from the failure to recognise 
God's law of electro-atomic-universal compensation.


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