Dear Cygwin support,

I have started to try to code for the MAC module in the Motorola MCF5272 on
a Netburner card, using the Netburned NNDK. The compiler is gcc 2.95.2 and
the executables (ar.exe, as.exe, gcc.exe) were all built very recently
3/29/2002 for the latest release of the Netburner software.

When I write anything like

move.l %d0, %acc (or any of the MAC registers)

I get unmatched operand errors from the compiler. If I substitute a garbage
name for the register, eg %xyx, I get an expected parse error, so the
compiler seems to be recognising the MAC registers OK.

Am I doing something stupid or is there some compiler switch that I should
be setting?

Thanks again for your help.

John Robbins.

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