At 03:00 PM 5/11/2002, David T-G wrote:
>Larry, et al --
>...and then Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) said...
>% At 10:17 AM 5/10/2002, David T-G wrote:
>% >
>% >I enjoyed being able to cd to //<driveletter>/<path> and was somewhat
>% >to // (I can now change to /c/tmp or /d/data).  Is there any way to get
>% >back the double-slash behavior?
>% No.  Your best bet is to stick with the /<driveletter>/<path> alternative,
>% if you don't like the "cygdrive" (or some other prefix).  "//" is generally
>It's just too long :-)

Change it to anything you like then with "mount".


>% There's no reason to be mucking around the registry either to make any of 
>% these kinds of changes.  That's why the mount command exists.
>Hmmm...  Maybe I'll look into that, then!  [*sigh* as soon as I find the
>cygintl dll, apparently...]
>Anyone want to break the suspense and tell me how it's useful to me?

The quickest source of information for this:

#mount --help
Usage: mount [OPTION] [<win32path> <posixpath>]
   -b, --binary                  text files are equivalent to binary files
                                 (newline = \n)
   -c, --change-cygdrive-prefix  change the cygdrive path prefix to <posixpath>
   -f, --force                   force mount, don't warn about missing mount
                                 point directories
   -i, --import-old-mounts copy  old registry mount table mounts into the current

                                 mount areas
   -p, --show-cygdrive-prefix    show user and/or system cygdrive path prefix
   -s, --system                  add mount point to system-wide registry location

   -t, --text       (default)    text files get \r\n line endings
   -u, --user       (default)    add mount point to user registry location
   -x, --executable              treat all files under mount point as executables

   -X, --cygwin-executable       treat all files under mount point as cygwin
   -m, --mount-commands          write mount commands to replace user and
                                 system mount points and cygdrive prefixes

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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