On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 07:39:42PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Well, I've attached a patch for this bug.  However, it uncovered another 
>problem with 'cp -p src dest', when src is not owned by the current user.
If the system UID is 18 then maybe cygwin should be translating that to 0.
Especially if 0 has no meaning to windows.


>(AROUND LINE 1170 in fileutils/src/copy.c):
>  /* Permissions of newly-created regular files were set upon `open' in
>     copy_reg.  But don't return early if there were any special bits and
>     we had to run chown, because the chown must have reset those bits.  */
>  if ((new_dst && copied_as_regular)
>      && !(ran_chown && (src_mode & ~S_IRWXUGO)))
>    return delayed_fail;
>  if ((x->preserve_chmod_bits || new_dst)
>      && (x->copy_as_regular || S_ISREG (src_type) || S_ISDIR (src_type)))
>    {
>      if (chmod (dst_path, get_dest_mode (x, src_mode)))    <<<<< HERE
>   {
>#ifdef __CYGWIN__
>   char *p;
>The chmod command returns with ENOENT.  I have no idea why; the file has 
>already been created at this point...

>diff -ur fileutils-4.1-1/src/copy.c fileutils-4.1-1a/src/copy.c
>--- fileutils-4.1-1/src/copy.c Fri Jun 15 15:20:08 2001
>+++ fileutils-4.1-1a/src/copy.c        Sat May 11 17:50:11 2002
>@@ -37,12 +37,22 @@
> #include "quote.h"
> #include "same.h"
>+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
>+#define DO_CHOWN(Chown, File, New_uid, New_gid)                               \
>+  (Chown (File, New_uid, New_gid)                                     \
>+   /* On cygwin, SYSTEM has uid = 18 and we treat that as \
>+      root.  Also, cygwin returns EACCES when non-"root" \
>+      attempts to chown ... */ \
>+   && ((errno != EPERM && errno != EINVAL && errno != EACCES) || \
>+   x->myeuid == 18))
> #define DO_CHOWN(Chown, File, New_uid, New_gid)                               \
>   (Chown (File, New_uid, New_gid)                                     \
>    /* If non-root uses -p, it's ok if we can't preserve ownership.    \
>       But root probably wants to know, e.g. if NFS disallows it,      \
>       or if the target system doesn't support file ownership.  */     \
>    && ((errno != EPERM && errno != EINVAL) || x->myeuid == 0))
> #define SAME_OWNER(A, B) ((A).st_uid == (B).st_uid)
> #define SAME_GROUP(A, B) ((A).st_gid == (B).st_gid)

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