Stipe Tolj wrote:

> Yep, Charles is right here, it's not part of the standard cygwin
> install.
> That's why I added the executable at least for the php4 module, where
> the postinstall script needs to have one.
> Stipe

Sorry to be a stickler, but

   1) GPL, source code, etc etc

   2) rebase itself will soon be part of the 'setup' package (which 
doesn't yet exist).  This will cause user confusion if your package 
already contains rebase.exe...e.g. "I installed apache-php4, then I 
installed the 'setup' package, then I installed the new apache-php4 -- 
and now rebase is missing"
   reason: 1st apache-php4 had rebase, then the 'setup' package replaced 
that version with its own copy.  Then, when the user upgraded to the new 
apache-php4 package -- which no longer had rebase -- the 'uninstall old 
apache-php4' procedure deleted rebase.

It was a bad idea to include rebase.exe in your dist.  (You don't see 
Jason including a cygipc binary in his postgres package).  Everything on 
sourceware is allowed to depend ONLY on tools ALSO available on 
sourceware.  We made one exception: postgres (cygipc) and work is 
progressing to replace cygipc with cygwin-daemon.  Python was added to 
the dist in working form, with no external deps. Later, we noticed a 
problem; Jason tracked it down to rebasing DLLs, and wrote a tool to fix 
it -- and that tool will be part of the standard dist soon.  However, 
even though you (currently) need a non-dist tool in order to use python, 
we didn't want to *pull* python from the dist.

But you are *adding* a new package, that a priori requires a tool that 
is currently not in the dist.  Bad.  You probably should have waited 
(pushed?) until rebase was in the dist before distributing apache-php4. 
  But that's just MO.


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