Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sam Edge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 8:17 PM
>> Every version of setup.exe I've used exhibits this annoying
>> behaviour but them I'm new here.
>> I agree with Daniele. I install different subsets of the
>> packages on several machines. I also like to keep a copy of
>> the most up-to-date versions of packages that I don't
>> currently use on any of them, in case I need them where I've
>> no (or poor) access to the 'Net.
> So use a mirroring tool! Setup.exe is -not- designed for this. If you
> want a setup.ini parsing mirroring tool, take me up on my offer to help
> someone leverage the setup.ini codebase to build a mirroring tool.
> Rob

But setup.exe has operated in the correct way in the past! Why write a new tool,
when fixing a bug in the current one would do all that needs to be done? NB: I'm
not saying 'go fix that now'. When (if? ;-) I find time to understand the setup
code, I will do this, if no one has beaten me to it.


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