>On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 02:03:56PM +0200, Gerrit Cap wrote:
> > I have a few batch jobs that I would like to schedule using cron and have
> > the output e-mailed. For small jobs this works fine but for jobs that run
> > for a period of time no e-mail is being sent. Instead after snooping 
> around
> > I found this error message in /var/log/cron.log:
> > /usr/sbin/ssmtp: connection lost in the middle of processing, exiting.
>I had similar problems.
> > Any ideas how to solve this ?
>Yes, if you are willing to use procmail and read the cron mail (only)
>locally, see the attached patch.  I have patched my cron to deliver mail
>via procmail instead of ssmtp in order to:
>     o solve the above problem
>     o prevent mail servers from removing the X-Cron-Env header fields
>     o remove the dependency of multiple mail hops just to send mail
>       to myself

Ok, thanx for the patch, but I solved it differently which gave me an extra 
I created another batch script (batch-mail.sh) which launched the original 
batch program (batch.sh), redirected its output to batch.out and e-mails me 
that output. Problem solved and now I have as additional "feature" that my 
e-mails can be tuned to different mailboxes depending on the batch job.


-------------------- Marble Consulting ----------------------
Gerrit Cap                      http://www.marble.be/
OO Solutions Engineer           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Marble Consulting
Blauwe Gaanweg, 53              tel : +32 475  72.94.36
B-9150 Kruibeke-Bazel           fax : +32 3   744.19.17
-------------------- Marble Consulting ----------------------
There is only one thing in the world worse than being witty,
and thats not being witty.          (Monthy Python)

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