On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:54:45 -0400To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Larry 
Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, I don't see this any message from this list with this problem.  But
> then
> again, the message you pointed to as a problem for you came from me, so 
> maybe I'm not a good gauge. ;-)
> At 10:39 AM 4/26/2002, Mark Paulus wrote:
> >This is the second message today that I have received with this 
> >problem.  Is it my machine/client, or is there a small glitch in the
> >list?
> >
> >It appears that the Date: line does not have a CR/LF at the end, and
> >the To: is appended directly to the end, and so my mail client does not
> >find the To: and does not filter it appropriately.

I'm seeing the problem in nearly all my email, not just the cygwin list. 

Mac :})
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