If you have experience of backing up using tar on Unix then you can do
the same with cygwin. Tape positioning with "mt" on the no-rewind
editions of the tape device (e.g. /dev/nst0).
My backup script looks like

mt -f /dev/nst0 status
echo "Archive T: starting at `date`"
cd /dost
tar cf /dev/nst0 *
mt -f /dev/nst0 tell
sleep 30
echo "Archive D: starting at `date`"
cd /cygdrive/d
tar cf /dev/nst0 *
mt -f /dev/nst0 tell
sleep 30
echo "Archive finished at `date`"
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewoffl

The sleeps may not be necessary but I have had problems in the pass with
streaming tapes when I haven't include them.

Hope that helps

Don Sharp

"Craveiro, Marco" wrote:
> Huh, before I starting getting flamed, may I just add that there is plenty
> of documentation about ssh and cron on the mailing list, I just made the
> mistake of using google instead of searching the mailing list directly.
> Apologies.
> I am still searching for docs on backing up, so if you got info on that
> please let me know.
> Thanks!
> marco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craveiro, Marco
> Sent: 26 April 2002 09:37
> Subject: Cygrunsrv and backups
> Hello cygwiners!
> First many thanks for a great product, its getting greater with each
> release. Contrary to some people on this list I have had no problems with
> it. in fact, I have just finished installing it on a production server (nt
> 4.0) and two workstations (w2k and XP) without any problems whatsoever;
> setup.exe is brilliant. Also, huge thanks for the person that put in the
> script that configures TeX, I was just about to start reading the howto's
> :-))
> Now, for my problem: I need to start backing up data using cygwin. I did a
> search on the web but there are no obvious docs about it. Can someone point
> me to:
> - docs (or posts) talking about setting up cron and ssh as a service, or
> describing cygrunsrv with different services. I have found a brilliant howto
> for
> Inetd, is there something like that for these other services?
> - docs (or posts) talking about backing up data using cygwin: how do you
> rewind the tape, Append data, etc.
> If none or some of it is not possible please let me know.
> Thanks for your time!
> Marco
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