
It seems that the packages zlib and zip corrupt the download/installation 
process for me. As the process reaches either of these files/packages, the 
program ends it's execution with the message "Installation incomplete, try 
again?" Also, if I try to reconnect to the  server I was downloading from 
when the problem occurred afterwards, it denies the connection.

Insofar I have only been able to find these two files to do it, and it 
happens every time I try to d/l them. This problem, however, is new. I 
downloaded the whole package halfway through March the last time, and had no 
problems. I have gotten the same result with all of the servers on the 
mirror list displayed I have tried (nasa, funet.fi, planetmirrors are ones I 
can remember by name, but I have tried about 10 servers so far).

I wanted to know if anyone had an idea what this might be a symptom of, and 
if anyone could tell me whether I /need/ the zlib (zip I obviously have), 
it'd be greatly appreciated.

I'm currently running winXP pro on an Athlon base. I have had Cygwin 
installed previously but I've wiped it out completely, including registries.

Thanks for any help..


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