The source code I put here:

to help you guys get compliant with the GPL is going away in 48 hours. 
I can't keep that much stuff up there indefinitely...


Charles Wilson wrote:

>        cygwin-1.1.8
>        cygwin-1.3.6
>        zlib
>        libxml
>        jpeg
>        mjpeg-tools
>        vcdimager
>        cdrdao
> To help you out, here are some direct links so that you can download the 
> src tarballs (all are available here for the next week or so, but they 
> will be going away so make sure to physically put them on your own site)
> Hope that helps.
> --Chuck
> **************************************************
> For VCDImager:
>   cygwin-1.3.6-6-src.tar.bz2
> taken from the VCDImager website...
>   zlib-1.1.3-6-src.tar.gz
> an md5 analysis show that 1.1.3-6 is the version of cygz.dll you are using
>   libxml2-2.4.12-1-src.tar.bz2
> stay tuned.  VCDImager doesn't use version 2.4.13-1 nor 2.4.17-1, which 
> are the only versions currently available on the cgywin download site. 
> I'm checking with Robert Collins, the cygwin maintainer of that package, 
> to see if he has kept 2.4.12-1-src and can send it to me.
>   vcdimager-0.7.12.tar.gz
>   VCDImager itself: you seem to be using version 0.7.12
> ********************************************************
> For mjpeg-tools
>   cygwin-1.3.6-6-src.tar.bz2
> taken from the VCDImager website...(same as above)
>   jpeg-6b-4-src.tar.gz
> an md5 analysis show that 6b-4 is the version of cygjpeg6b.dll you are 
> using
>    mjpegtools-1.4.1.tar.gz
>    mjpegtools-1.6.0-beta1.tar.gz
>    mjpegtools-1.6.0-beta2.tar.gz
> mjpegtools itself.  I couldn't determine which version you were using, 
> so I grabbed all of the currently distributed src tarballs
> **************************************************
> For CdrDao
>   cygwin-1.1.8-2-src.tar.bz2
>   cdrdao-1.1.5.src.tar.gz
> **************************************************

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