Dear all,

I have downloaded pgaccess and installed in my directory
/cygwin/usr/src/pgaccess. Thereafter created a link in the /cygwin/bin/ to
the pgaccess file in the src directory.
The pgaccess file contains:



I start pgaccess using the following command, because otherwise main.tcl can
not be found.
exec /usr/bin/cygwish80 d:/cygwin/usr/src/pgaccess/main.tcl

I am getting the error message "could't load file 'libpgtcl.dll': invalid
argument while excuting 'load libpgtcl [info sharedlibextension]' (procedure

I found some proposed solutions in user groups but even after trying to
create a link for the libpgtcl.dll or copying it to my /windows/system
directory I am still not getting it working. Surely I am doing something
wrong, but I seem not to find the solution, I have been spending several
evenings already in getting it solved but no way.

My hope is focussed on the people out there using it for a long time, having
gone through the same steps before. If somebody can explain me what or how I
need to do the installation to get it working I would very much appreciate

Kind Regards,
Danny Gaethofs

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