I'm running on Win2000 using an up-to-date Cygwin install.  
When I issue this command:
  find /cygdrive/d
The contents of the last directory on my D: drive aren't reported.
for instance, if /cygdrive/d contains:
  [d] $ ls -l
  total 1673
  drwxr-xr-x    4 scott    Domain U        0 Jul 24  2001 RECYCLER
  drwxr-xr-x    1 scott    Domain U        0 Jul 23  2001 System Volume Information
  drwxr-xr-x   21 scott    Domain U     8192 Apr  7 14:21 scott
  drwxr-xr-x    3 scott    Domain U     4096 Mar 25 15:25 tmp
  drwxr-xr-x   14 scott    Domain U     4096 Apr  3 10:01 workspace

... the above find command finishes off with:

Even though the 'workspace' directory has lots of stuff in it!

Meanwhile, if I add a directory to /cygdrive/d
  $ mkdir /d/zzzzzz

...then the 'workspace' directory is included in the output, but the
'zzzzzz' directory's contents are not.  What's more, 'zzzzzz' has to
be a directory; if it's a plain old file then find's output ends with

This only seems to happen on "root" drive letter directories;
I experimented in some sub-folders and couldn't break it. 

Can anyone else reproduce this one?

 scott evans :: www.antisleep.com

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