Thanks Michael,Robet , Randall and Prentis
It is good to know that sqlplus in windows handles '/' in directory
specification. I guess your suggestion will not work in my case. In my shell
script, a sql file is dynamically generated. see example

echo "select * from dual;" >> /tmp/test.sql

The above command will work in all type of Unix but when I want to run the
same sql command file in sqlplus.

This command will not work in windows but will work in Unix .

sqlplus scott/tiger @/tmp/test.sql

I have to convert the file name /tmp/test.sql to windows using cygpath and
then it would work in sqlplus windows.

I think using uname will be better approach.




SQL*Plus in Windows handles '/' in directory specifications just fine, so
all you need to worry about is the "c:" or "/usr" part.  You could test for
the existence of the script file and use the first one you find.

if [ -f /usr/mydir/test.sql ]; then
   sqlplus scott/tiger @/usr/mydir/test.sql
# Put this after any UNIX possibilities since they may
#    not be able to handle c:
elif [ -f c:/mydir/test.sql ]; then
   sqlplus scott/tiger @c:/mydir/test.sql
   echo "Can't find .../mydir/test.sql"
   exit 1

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 11:06 PM
To: Gupta, Sanjay; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Which OS Type

From: "Gupta, Sanjay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 22:34
Subject: Which OS Type

> Is there any command to find out which Operating System I am using.
> Basically, I need to know whether the OS is Windows type or Unix Type. The
> Unix type could be any Unix e.g. Sun , HP etc , Linux etc.
> I am writing a shell script and if the shell script is run under windows
> environment using cygwin, then I have to take care of some file naming
> conventions for oracle sqlplus command under windows
> and if the script run under unix then I have use filenames, path names
> for sqlplus command in unix.
> I know uname command, but is there any other command which can be more
> useful in my case.
> example :-
> sqlplus command in windows using cygwin.
> sqlplus scott/tiger
> @c:\mydir\test.sql
> the samething in unix
> sqlplus scott/tiger
> @/usr/mydir/test.sql

SQL*Plus in Windows handles '/' in directory specifications just fine, so
all you need to worry about is the "c:" or "/usr" part.  You could test for
the existence of the script file and use the first one you find.

if [ -f /usr/mydir/test.sql ]; then
   sqlplus scott/tiger @/usr/mydir/test.sql
# Put this after any UNIX possibilities since they may
#    not be able to handle c:
elif [ -f c:/mydir/test.sql ]; then
   sqlplus scott/tiger @c:/mydir/test.sql
   echo "Can't find .../mydir/test.sql"
   exit 1
Mac :})
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