----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Warn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 14:55
Subject: RE: ps within DOS

> I suppose that I could run this under cygwin's perl ...

It would certainly be easier if you aren't mixing environment when you don't
have to.
More below.

> From: Brian Warn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 2:54 PM
> Subject: ps within DOS
> As part of a (win32) perl program I'm running, I'm trying to run a
> system ps command and return to the DOS shell (or whatever the shell is
> known as in Win2K).  From the command line, I can do the following, but
> I stay in the bash shell:
> C:> c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat | ps | exit

You are starting an interactive shell, starting ps.exe, starting 'exit', all
under MSDOS and having MSDOS tie each STDIN to the predecessor's STDOUT.

> [ ps info here ]
> my_machine $
> The bottom line is that I want to read process info into an array as
> follows:
> @my_array=`cygwin.bat | ps | grep "desired string"`;

You should use Perl's grep.  If you are using Cygwin ps, you also need '-W'
to see Windows processes (run 'ps -h' for a list of options).  I'd do
something this (TMTOWTDI):

# /usr/bin/perl -w
# This works regardless for both Cygwin Perl and Native Perl
use strict;
open( PS, "ps -W |" ) or die "Pipe from ps failed, $!\n";
my @my_array = grep { /desired string/ } <PS>;
close PS or die "Error from ps, $!\n";
Mac :})
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