Rob --

Thanks for the information.  I'm downloading now.
It was the presence of /etc/setup that was messing
up my earlier attempts.


Robert Collins wrote:
>For the archives....
>Downloading *everything* with setup.exe.
>First-off, setup.exe uses information contained in /etc/setup/ to
>determine whats pacakges are not installed, and then looks in your
>'local package dir' at *every mirror site you chose* to determine what
>is missing and needs downloading. So choosing
>+ All () install
>at the top level, will on a system that does not have a /etc/setup,
>result in downloading *everything* (for the current stability
>So.. how does one download everything again?
>1) Run setup,exe choose download only, change the top level to
>'retrieve'. This will force a download even if the file is on your local
>2) Run setup.exe again, choose down only, change the top level to
>'install'. This will download every available package that is not
>current installed.
>Some hints:
>*) Don't delete your local package dir. Cygwin setup uses it.
>*) Really, don't delete it.
>*) If you want to clear it out a bit, consider writing a perl script, or
>setup.exe patch to remove package tarballs from specific mirrors that
>aren't listed in setup.ini.

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