
[ This is not Cygwin-specific--it can occur on any Unix/Linux/POSIX system. ]

Oh, but they can be removed using "rm."

Cd to the directory in which the problematic files reside and issue this 

% rm -i *

You will be presented with a prompt for each file in the directory. If you 
type a "y<RETURN>" the file will be removed. Other responses will leave the 
file in place.

If the entire directory consists of such unwanted files, you can cd to the 
parent dir and use "rm -fr" to eradicate the directory and all its contents 
without being prompted. This approach does not require shell pattern 
matching, so sometimes (for some kinds of file names and / or on some 
systems) it works when the previous suggestion does not.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 13:33 2002-03-23, hongxun lee wrote:
>I dont know why such files were produced, and they cant be del with 
>command rm. Thanks

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