
I'm getting exactly the same problem when trying to install inetutils.

I was upgrading my existing cygwin, and tried many ways around this problem,
ending up by deleting everything and re-installing the current cygwin
(1.3.10) from scratch, using the current setup.exe.

Despite the apparent errors, cygwin appears to work. For example I am able
to run telnet (one of the inetutils) quite happily.

In my case, it is interesting that although the setup log seems to show that
the .exe files are being placed in /usr/bin, they are actually going into
/bin (under my c:\cygwin folder). Perhaps this explains the message "could
not open usr/bin/logger.exe" in setup.log.full. Windows Explorer shows a
/usr folder under c:\cygwin, but not /usr/bin.

I see you have similar messages for usr/bin/gcc.exe - has that gone into
/bin? Have you tried running any of the stuff you have downloaded?

I have just experimented a bit further. Perhaps someone can explain the
following mysterious dialogue in cygwin (my notes inserted in << >>):

timh@TOSH /
$ cd usr

timh@TOSH /usr
$ ls
doc  include  info  libexec  local  man  sbin  share  src  tmp

<<NB no mention of bin>>

timh@TOSH /usr
$ cd bin

timh@TOSH /usr/bin
$ ls
awk.exe            dircolors.exe     mkfifo.exe          split.exe
basename.exe       dirname.exe       mkgroup.exe         ssp.exe
bash.exe           du.exe            mknod.exe           strace.exe
bashbug            dumper.exe        mkpasswd.exe        stty.exe
cat.exe            echo.exe          mount.exe           sum.exe
chgrp.exe          egrep.exe         mv.exe              sync.exe
chmod.exe          env.exe           nice.exe            tac.exe
chown.exe          expand.exe        nl.exe              tail.exe
chroot.exe         expr.exe          nohup     


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