At 11:58 PM 3/20/2002, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
>>>Not really. All the below reference says is that this is intentional, not why it's 
>being done. My question was why.
>>If you follow the later posts as I mention below, you might find the answers.
>Don't have the time.
>>If you're really interested in understanding what the background on this
>>issue is, you'll want to check out the discussions in the email archives
>>regarding the problems that arose when bash was changed.  
>>BTW, bash was changed because these environment variables are set at login
>>on *NIX platforms, so setting them in bash is redundant at best.  
>>But I still recommend looking at the email archives to understand everyone's ideas 
>on this issue.
>I really don't have the time to do this. I just pointed out the issue.

OK.  I guess I was just pointing out that this issue has already been 
discussed.  To my mind, it's not a problem awaiting a solution.  It's 
merely awaiting someone interested enough to implement the proper solution.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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