The new program (setup.exe vs. looks great, but apparently in
the process to download file setup.ini, though all motions look successful,
the file is not stored to disk.  After downloading the file, the setup.exe
program apparently attempts to open/read the file and the following errors
are announced in a window entitled "Parse Errors".

setup.ini line 684: parse error, unexpected $undefined, expecting $
setup.ini line 684: unrecognized line in setup.ini headers (do you have the
latest setup?)
(above line is repeated 10 times, then similar lines are printed for 685,
686, 687, 688.)

Retries produce appended error messages with greatly increased values of
line numbers.
Note, this error message was also received from the previous version of
setup.exe.  Use of an old version (setup.exe 2.57) successfully downloaded
setup.ini but of course issued the "newer version of setup.exe is available"
error message.  However, the current version of setup.exe could not locate
the .ini file on this system.

The system is a Pentium 166 with 8gb disk, is partitioned into drives C-J.
Memory 64MB.  Windows 98 1st.ed.  Cygwin has been running without incident.

The setup.log produced by (setup.exe is attached.

Thank you.


Bill Smith

Attachment: setup.log.full
Description: Binary data

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