Hi Corinna,
Looks like you are the developer for cygwin. I need to use some windows graphics 
library with my g77 compiled program in cygwin. I posted it previosly and did not get 
any response.

I am trying to use windows library specifically graphics library for plotting from my 
cygwin program. I need to use windows routines like: GETWINDOWCONFIG, DFLIB, 
SETCOLORRGB, $GCLEARSCREEN. I have a folder wich is called visual. How to go about 
linking the required windows VISUAL FORTRAN libraries which will serve my purpose? 
What kind of link comands I need in my makefile?

I have a makefile like this- all these routines require, a windows library to compile.

INSTALL       = /usr/sbin/install

LIBRARY       = ../lib/libcass.a

MAKEFILE      = Makefile

OBJS        =   adv_frmv.o \
                        chr_wth.o \
                        clr_boxv.o \
                        intensv.o \
                        movev.o \
                        new_pltv.o \
                        newx.o \
                        newy.o \
                        ntl_setv.o \
                        plt_clrv.o \
                        pltv.o \
                        rgb_clrv.o \
                        rst_pltv.o \
                        set_c~38.o \
                        set_clrv.o \
                        set_fntv.o \
                        set_wthv.o \

IGNORE_OBJS   = visual.o \

PRINT         = pr

SHELL         = /usr/bin/sh

SRCS        =   adv_frmv.f \
                        chr_wth.f \
                        clr_boxv.f \
                        intensv.f \
                        movev.f \
                        new_pltv.f \
                        newx.f \
                        newy.f \
                        ntl_setv.f \
                        plt_clrv.f \
                        pltv.f \
                        rgb_clrv.f \
                        rst_pltv.f \
                        set_c~38.f \
                        set_clrv.f \
                        set_fntv.f \
                        set_wthv.f \


SYSHDRS       =

.o.a:;          ar rv $@ $*.o


all:            $(LIBRARY)

        @co Makefile $(SRCS) $(HDRS)

        @ci -t-"Make Checkin" Makefile $(SRCS) $(HDRS) *.t

library:        $(OBJS)
                @echo "Loading $(LIBRARY) ..."
                ar rv $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS)
                @echo "done"

#               $(RANLIB) $@

clean:;         @rm -f $(OBJS) core

clobber:;       @rm -f $(OBJS) $(LIBRARY) core tags

depend:;        @mkmf -f $(MAKEFILE) ROOT=$(ROOT)

echo:;          @echo $(HDRS) $(SRCS)

extract:;       @ar x $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY)

index:;         @ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)

install:        $(LIBRARY)
                @echo Installing $(LIBRARY) in $(DEST)
#               @if [ $(DEST) != . ]; then \
#               (rm -f $(DEST)/$(LIBRARY); $(INSTALL) -f $(DEST) $(LIBRARY)); fi

print:;         @$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)

tags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @etags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)


I hope you will help me Corinna.

Dilip Paul



-----Original Message-----
From: Corinna Vinschen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 12:13 PM
To: cygwin
Subject: Re: FW: Suggestion for setup

On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 05:49:29PM +0100, Bernard Dautrevaux wrote:
> PS: something I don't fully understand, but I think it's related to the
> "Reply-To:" header field, is that you have the same setup, but when replying
> to you I'm replying to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (not "Christopher Faylor" or
> "Christopher Faylor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]" as your "From:" field is
> displayed), while Corinna's mails have "Corinna Vinschen
> [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]" in their "From:" field, but when hitting Reply (or
> Reply all) the "To:" field of my message is "Corinna Vinschen" ... Internet
> mysteries? :-)

Chris has his "Reply-To:" set, I don't have.


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