Hi Jason,

> > Hm, Iīm seriously wondering if *anybody* did manage it to run under W98...
> Yes, many -- including myself.

Now THATīs good news! *phew*
Ok I didnīt doubt it could, just asked myself if anyone still uses this OS (Old
System) and hence care for....

> I'm sorry but your Cygwin installation seems broken.  I would fix that
> before trying PostgreSQL again.

Hm, well this would be no problem - if I _knew_ what is wrong?
And, I wouldnīt suspect somethingīs broken as I *just* installed cygwin from the
internet (means updated - I hope update is ok, downloading everything twice
would be no fun with isdn...)
Well I could try it again but Iīm - however - convinced that would be the same
again, I didnīt change anything except putting the cygwin path in the PATH
Itīs just strange that the scripts donīt work, as if the environment
"disappears" or whatever  when starting a script....

But, eitherway, could you tell me if Postgresql will work on 98 (for me itīs a
test/db-design period, no production use...) or if itīs not recommended since
Iīve read that NT, W2K & XP are the only _supported_ platforms, and W98 isnīt
but it may work.......?

Thanks for help!


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