On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 10:01:22AM +0100, Bernard Dautrevaux wrote:
> On the same ground, it would be nice if, when creating /etc/passwd and
> /etc/group, setup.exe pass the "-d" flag to mkpasswd/mkgroup; otherwise,
> ntsec is almost unusable for the (vast majority of) NT/2k/XP users that
> happen to be in a Windows domain.
> I don't know what happens if "mkpasswd -d" is used on 9x/Me if not in a
> domain, but this seems harmless on NT/2k/XP, so always passing -d seems
> harmless in these cases.

It's not harmless.  mkpasswd -d will result in an error message on
stand alone systems.  It's actually the other way around.  mkpasswd -l
is harmless on domain members and domain controllers.

> In fact for our own use, we package cygwin on the same CD as our own product
> (with full source of course) and our own install procedure just overwrites
> (after asking the user) the cygwin-setup generated files by calling
> mk{passwd,group} with "-d".

So you have a solution and it's published in this mailing list.
We could add a FAQ entry.  That should be enough, IMHO.


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