
Are you sure that this is a Cygwin issue? My system exhibits pauses like 
this and they affect many, possibly all, executing programs. I have noticed 
nothing that suggests this is a Cygwin issue, though I must admit, I have a 
Cygwin BASH running at all times.

I know only the symptom: Total momentary loss of responsiveness in 
interactive programs. If I look at the "Performance" pane of the "Windows 
Task Manager" after one of these pauses occurs (it has to be running when 
the symptom occurs, naturally), I'll see a spike up to 100% (of one CPU) in 
kernel CPU consumption (you have to have "Show Kernel Times" enabled in the 
"View" menu to see this).

Perhaps you can use the more detailed performance grapher (Start -> 
Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Performance, on Windows 2000) to see 
where the time is going. I'm not adept at using it, and one would have to 
have some idea of which probes to monitor to get any meaningful information.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 16:19 2002-03-03, Chris January wrote:
>I'm using Cygwin 1.3.10 DLL and I occasionally get long delays (>2s !) 
>when fhandler_base::open is called on a disk file. This occurs 
>sporadically and is not dependant on the file being opened. I've included 
>a little strace snippet below. Just look how long fhandler_base::open 
>takes to return! No other CPU intensive programs are running and, no, I'm 
>not selecting text in the console window and not realisingit... :-)

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