
Toni Mueller writes:
 > So my current guess is that I can download some stuff using eg. my Linux
 > workstation, put them on CD and then move the CD to the W2k box for
 > local installation there. Can anyone please confirm that? Can anyone
 > please tell me which version of setup.exe I should get to be able to
 > install from a local directory?

You lose a lot of the functionality of setup.exe if you do it this way
but you can certainly do this if you want to have a hard time.

 > (Apart from that I always thought that doing online-installs is both
 > error-prone and insecure in most cases, and in general, a M$ disease -
 > why does RedHat do it?)

This is just not true. Debian's apt-get retrieves packages by default
from the web, and so do several RPM-based utilities. FreeBSD's ports
collection grabs the sources from the web by default, and precompiled
packages can also be installed from the web. It's certainly not a M$
disease but rather common practice.


Markus Hoenicka, PhD
UT Houston Medical School
Dept. of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
6431 Fannin MSB4.114
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 500-6313, -7477
(713) 500-7444 (fax)

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