On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 04:03:34PM -0800, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> The code that produces this error is:
>       MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lname, -1, widepath, MAX_PATH);
>       hres = pf->lpVtbl->Save (pf, widepath, TRUE);
>       if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) 
>       {
>         fprintf(stderr, "%s: Save to persistant storage failed (Does the
> directo
> ry you are writing to exist?)\n", prog_name);
>         exit(3);
>       }

Try the following before calling pf->lpVtbl->Save():


This is just basically as it should work.  Look in MSDN for the
exact usage.


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