At 07:19 PM 2/26/2002, David Ryan wrote:
>I'm attempting to build gcc-2.8.1 cross compiler using the following
>./configure --target=mipsel-scei-elfl --prefix=/usr/local/ps2dev/iop --with-
>gnu-ld --with-gnu-as
>I have compiled and installed binutils-2.9.1 into /usr/local/ps2dev/iop
>before attempting to make gcc.  I am currently getting the following error.
>   echo ${name}; \
>   ./xgcc -B./ -O2  -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC    -g -I./include  -G
>0 -g1 -DIN_LIB
>GCC2 -D__GCC_FLOAT_NOT_NEEDED -fexceptions -I. -I. -I./config -c -DL${name}
>       ./libgcc2.c -o ${name}.o; \
>   if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
>   /usr/local/ps2dev/iop/mipsel-scei-elfl/bin/ar rc tmplibgcc2.a ${name}.o; \
>   rm -f ${name}.o; \
>as: unrecognized option `-G'


>make: *** [libgcc2.a] Error 1
>I have looked around various news groups and found that xgcc needs the
>correct paths for finding as and ld in the
>/usr/loca/ps2dev/iop/mipsel-scei-elfl/bin directory and paths can be found
>using -print-search-dirs.  I did this and found:
>$ ./xgcc -print-search-dirs
>install: /usr/local/ps2dev/iop/lib/gcc-lib/mipsel-scei-elfl\2.8.1\
>Can anyone confirm my suspision that somewhere in the configure script it or
>in xgcc it has swapped / for \ and that xgcc won't find the correct as and
>ld using these \ ?  Anyone have any ideas about how to fix this?

No, xgcc found 'as' just fine, as the output above which I've underlined
indicates.  The problem appears to be that the '-G' flag is getting passed
to 'as' for some reason.  I can't really help beyond that statement though.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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