At 08:52 PM 2/14/2002, David Kohn wrote:
>I'm running cygwin 1.3.9 on a NT40 server.
>I've created /etc/passwd by issuing mkpasswd -du selected-id >> /etc/passwd .
>I'm having a problem with one id. this id is domain id and has been added to the 
>local admin group.
>when I logon to the server with this id and start cygwin, the shell comes up and says 
>I don't have any name.
>so I issue the whoami command and it comes back with uid 30823. The passwd file 
>records for this id shows a uid of 96359.
>when I replace the 96359 with 30823 the shell seems to act correctly.
>Does anyone know why I'm getting different (and incorrect uid) for this or any id ?

Check the email archives.  There has been discussion about the size of the 
uid/gid fields.  Currently, they are 'short'.  That's the problem you're 
seeing.  See the code/Changelog for any changes underway.  They'll take a 
while to propagate to all the affected utilities.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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Bug reporting:

  • mkpasswd David Kohn
    • Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)

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