I think it takes a while to get used to the style of this
list.  Thank you for explaining what was meant by
"because... we're mean".
Perhaps a little forgiveness and tolerance all around
would (slap)...oops, never mind...
% env foobar
env: foobar: No such file or directory
% env foobar -w
env: foobar: No such file or directory
-->put #!/usr/bin/env perl in script "blah"
% blah
% (works fine)
-->put #!/usr/bin/env perl -w in script
% blah
/usr/bin/env: perl -w: No such file or directory
$ echo $SHELL

So I believe the original poster (PJA) was correct in his assessment.
It's not "env", because #!/bin/ls gives similar behavior.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peter J. Acklam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: /usr/bin/env - Incorrect parsing of #! line?

> Peter J. Acklam wrote:
> > Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Peter J. Acklam wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>[...]
> >>>why does Cygwin look for the file "perl -w".  No UNIX I
> >>>have worked on would parse the shebang line that way.
> >>>
> >>Because...  we're mean.
> >>
> >
> > I'm new here so I don't know who you are, but I hope one can
> > expect more informative responses than this gibberish.
> When Chris says "because we're mean" it *usually* means that the
> original post was either
>    a) rude
>    b) accusatory
>    c) demanding
> AND that the original poster made an incorrect analysis of their
> problem, then complained about the non-existant problem, and blamed the
> cygwin developers for being such idiots to make that (non-existant)
> For instance:
> -----------BEGIN EXAMPLE-------------
>    "When I start cygwin, it complains that there is no /tmp directory.
> But TEMP=C:\WINNT\TEMP, so of course /tmp exists.  Why doesn't cygwin
> understand TEMP?"
> Answer: "because we're mean".  cygwin understanding the TEMP environment
> variable has nothing to do with whether a directory named '/tmp' exists.
>   Cygwin DOES in fact understand TEMP -- but not all applications on
> cygwin use TEMP; some, like bash, directly hardcode '/tmp' and complain
> if it doesn't exist.  Furthermore, setup.exe automatically creates /tmp,
> so if it doesn't exist on your machine, then either (a) setup is broken
> -- but the other 2000 people who successfully used it never ran in to
> that problem, or (b) [much more likely] you didn't use setup.exe to
> install cygwin.  Bad bad bad bad.
> e.g. You didn't follow the directions on how cygwin should be installed,
> then discovered that stuff doesn't work right, then misanalyzed the
> problem, and blamed us for it.
> Because we're mean.
> -----------END EXAMPLE-------------
> Your question was borderline: "No UNIX I have worked on would parse the
> sheband line that way" This statement as worded implies
> 1) you are much more experienced with unix than any of the monkeys
> working on cygwin
> 2) cygwin sucks -- the monkeys must have been lobotomized before they
> started coding it
> 3) fix it now, you damn lobotomized code monkeys!
> Furthermore, it isn't *cygwin* that's parsing the command line.  It's
> env.exe.  AND, it is not NECESSARILY looking for 'perl -w' -- maybe it's
> just reporting all of its arguments, like a good little app.  Perhaps,
> env can't find perl in the current PATH at all -- so it's really just
> saying "can't find "perl" -- and btw, you had a '-w' argument".  There's
> no way to know from what you reported.
> But you blamed us, and cygwin, anyway.
> Because we're mean.
> --Chuck
> --
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