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Prateek, Arora (MED) wrote:

> The exact error is
> unresolved external symbole gzseek ........

Okay, that's half of what I asked for.

> I am using the cygwin tool , which contain the libz.a lib file
> Can you tell me how I resolved this Problem

Now, what is the exact link command that failed?  it should be something 
   gcc -o foo.exe bar.o -L/usr/lib -lz

What are you trying to compile?  What is the output of 'cygcheck -s -v -r'?


>>   I have a big problem with the libz.a , I have used the gzopen , gzseek,
>>gzread command which are define in the libz.a In the compile time I don,t
>>get any error but the link time my application doesnot found this function
>>can you please tell me what should I do
> You should provide more information.  For instance, the exact link 
> command you used, the exact error message returned, etc.
> --Chuck

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