I will be the first one to make a comment of a NNTP server for hosting this
group and possibly the other groups for Cygwin, isn't that after all what a
NNTP group is designed for. I would be one to second Andrew's idea because
of the idea that often times I am in need of searching about a certain idea
in the archives and not only does it bring up the relative needed
information, it also brings up stuff from many years back.

Daniel Adams - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)-  Each one should use whatever gift he has received to
serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

-----Original Message-----
Of Andrew DeFaria
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: Why not a news server?

Why not simply set up a news server instead of this mail list. I find
the mail list deficient in several areas. First and foremost it's noisy
causing me to wade through all this email for topics I'm interested in.
Secondly there's no easy or convenient way to response to individual
issues (I get a digest of cygwin stuff emailed to me). Seems to me that
nntp was designed specifically for such communications and a number of
companies have set up news servers for such things.

Finally a number of times I receive a digest speaking of topics and
articles but the email message is apparently truncated and the bodies of
these articles are missing.

Comments? (I'm sure there will be some).

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