> At 03:30 PM 1/31/2002, Arek wrote:
> >AFAIK, Cygwin doesn't use NT user permissions.
> Exactly what is the basis for this statement?  Have you read the user's
> guide?  The 'ntsec' option of the CYGWIN environment variable does a
> real nice job of maintaining user permissions in a POSIX way when used
> as directed.
Hrm...I hadn't looked into that much.
Perhaps,  then, this is related to how cygwin is reading the permissions.
It sees that this directory belongs to the user 'Everyone' (not everybody as
I said earlier...), and that that user (and only that user) has full
permissions on that directory.  In any case, the most likely solution is the
same:  Delete the directory using windows explorer and recreate it from
within cygwin.

James Potts

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