        I am trying to port omniORB on cygwin on win2k.
I was able to port Python2.1, and i tried to compile
omniORB with vc++.
It fails to resolve the paths for PYthon.h (though the
path was set in omni/src/tool/omniidl/cxx/dir.mk).
Looks like there seem to be a problem the way windows
resloves it and the unix resolves.
i.e /usr/include/python2.1/Python.h\sys\time.h etc.

And it is impossible to change it in all the header
files. And can't think about any work around for it.

Also i tried to with gcc, by modifing the win32.mk to
point gcc.
and so does fail to compile, with following errors....

idlpython.cc:1440: `dllexport' was not declared in
this scope
idlpython.cc:1440: variable or field `_declspec'
declared void

Could any one help me out with this..
Is there a better way, please let me know.


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