FWIW - when following exactly the recipe you provided, mine worked OK.
small changes though:

You had this in your VB form:
  Private Declare Function doit Lib "bar.dll" (ByVal ...

However, since the function's name in MyTest.c is testit (not doit), I
Alias "testit", like:
  Private Declare Function doit Lib "bar.dll" Alias "testit" (ByVal ...

Second: your script builds "MyTest.dll", not "bar.dll", so I changed
  Private Declare Function doit Lib "MyTest.dll" Alias "testit" (ByVal

Third - you called your test function from within Form_Load. This will
(normally) run once for any particular form. So, I added a button to
form, and moved "i = doit(100)" into the new Button1_Click function.

Works perfectly for me...

You might try compiling to an .EXE and running that, instead of running
inside the VB debugger...


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