I upgraded from Cygwin 1.3.6-6 to 1.3.7-1 and lost the <Ctrl-c> "interrupt"

e.g.1. just at the console, I ran a diff -r command to compare two large
directories. Pressing <Ctrl-c> failed to interrupt this time-consuming
activity, which carried on chugging away to the bitter end.

e.g.2. inside an application, I accidentally triggered a huge print to
stdout command. Pressing <Ctrl-c> failed ... etc etc.

I reverted to 1.3.6-6 (easy! THANK YOU setup.exe) and all the required
<Ctrl-c> capability was recovered.

For the moment I'll stick with 1.3.6-6. Anybody found the same thing, or is
it me?

Thank you.


PS. I tried sending from my "real" address [EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
you've blocked me using some anti-spam drawbridge. That ainit fair.

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