This is going to be my one and only engagement this week in conversing with individuals who have been trained in how they think by TV shows.
On 18 Jan 2002 at 13:39, twidlar wrote: > Trying to get them to reverse their decision by trying to make them feel > guilty or suggesting they need therapy is pretty funny. It is little kid > stuff. I am glad you were amused. Unfortunately for your no-doubt fragile sense of self-esteem, it may look to others like the object of humor is otherwise than you apparently think it is, "twidlar". In one brief message, your reply has managed to mistate the facts concerning: - that there was some "judgement" concerning my proposal at the time I offered my replies. I read no such thing: there was no "judgement", instead there was just a bit of knee-jerk reacting and rejecting out of hand (and one supportive message confirming that the issue I had was shared by others). There was no discussion of the *merits* of the suggestion (other than that "setup doesn't do that" -- which is a defeatist and negative non-example of genuine discussion, to which I would reply "so if setup doesn't/cannot do that, then let's discuss how can it get accomplished by another means?"). - that I suggested that someone needed "therapy" in the sense in which you apparently mean to use the phrase -- as perjorative and cynical and cliched, as a way of personally attacking people. What exactly is it that is *wrong* with therapy, anyway? - I wrote nothing that indicates I believe "guilt" to be a useful or valid concept. "Guilt" is for Judeo- Christian-Moslem believers and those unfortunates who don't think they are, but who have nevertheless not been able to disentangle their inner world processes from lifetime immersion in the ways of thinking that those cultures have become. I am not of that school of philosophy. > Cygwin is an excellent product because the people developing are > competent, focused, use their time well, have good technical judgement, > understand their users and set their priorities well. I trust their > judgement on your "proposal". Good, then I wonder where the motivation for writing your message comes from? Why would you need to write it if nothing you value is threatened? Maybe you understood on a level you cannot consciously acknowledge, my words concerning pervasive personal anger and unhappiness? Well, it would just be a speculation on my part to suggest any such a thing about you. Not that the folks who have been replying negatively to my messages haven't largely been doing exactly that: with absolutely NO idea who I am they rip right ahead with abundant characterizations and critiques that base themselves on thoughtless assumptions about me. It's my intent not to follow their example, however. I have been reading this List for a long time -- along with many others. I believe that if one added up all the time I've observed some folks spend "scolding" others for speaking up, as you have just spent here, to me -- and instead calculated what could be accomplished if those individuals like you doing the scolding put that time to productive use (or even -- gasp -- answering the question!), we could probably have seen the completion of a `mach' kernal come out of it (for instance). It amazes me that some folks here are so addicted to reacting angrily and acting like superior, stuffy old aunts waggling their fingers at disobedient "children", that they cannot see what a pointless rut they are in. Soren Andersen -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: