Firstly, yes I have read the documentation, searched the existing maillist
for my problem without success so here goes:

First few lines of setup.log.full:

2002/01/15 16:27:55 Starting cygwin install, version
Current Directory: C:\tmp
2002/01/15 16:27:55 Command line parameters
2002/01/15 16:27:55 0 - 'C:\tmp\setup.exe'
2002/01/15 16:27:55 1 parameters passed
source: network install
root: C:/cygwin binary system
Selected local directory: C:\tmp
root: C:/cygwin binary system
Selected local directory: C:\tmp

Last lines:

mbox note: Installation Complete
2002/01/15 16:51:28 Ending cygwin install


When I open cygwin.bat this is what happens:

bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
bash-2.05a$ pwd
bash-2.05a$ echo $PATH

As the CYGWIN extensions path extensions are not there  I thought that the
/etc/profile was not being sourced so...

bash-2.05a$ cd /
bash: cd: /: No such file or directory
bash-2.05a$ cd /cygdrive/c
bash-2.05a$ pwd
bash-2.05a$ cd cygwin
bash-2.05a$ cd etc
bash-2.05a$ source profile
bash: id: command not found
bash: mkdir: command not found
bash: cd: /: No such file or directory

adrian@ADRIAN /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc

It looks like /etc/profile is not being run beacuse the path (from / is not
being found).  Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

Adrian Birch

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