On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 12:52:57PM +0000, David Starks-Browning wrote:
> On Thursday 10 Jan 02, Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > Workaround:  Create a new drive mapping *inside* your telnet session
> > using another drive letter:
> > 
> >     net use J: ....
> > 
> > But *DON'T FORGET* to release the drive mapping before logging
> > out that very telnet session.  Otherwise this drive letter
> > is never ever usable as long as the machine isn't rebooted:
> > 
> >     net use J: /delete
> Thanks Corinna, I had not seen this before.  I'll add it to the FAQ.
> ("Yeah, right!" you say :-)

Yeah, right! :-)

However, another fact which should be mentioned in that FAQ is:

  That doesn't work in ssh/rsh sessions created without
  using a password.  These sessions have the same restrictions
  as all sessions running under SYSTEM account.

Did you see my previous mail related to using network drives
in ssh sessions, David?  That's the crucial stuff.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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